create learndash courses with mindmaps

Membership Sites and Course Marketing Webinar

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How To Sell Courses Online Training is an weekly hour where experts selling courses online call in and talk about their online business. The live weekly call in’s are available to all members.

People are invited to join in, visit other peoples sites and connect with other e learning or membership site owners.

This is a free training. Please Login or create a free account for access. Use the "Courses" menu after logging in to return for Webinar Links

By learning about what other experts are doing with their sites, courses and services you’ll get a feel for the shared challenges and recipes for success.

Plus, new this year is Open Office hours, a weekly event a different site will be reviewed each week.  Join in, get involved every Wednesday. Ever had a WordPress, elearning or membership site problem that you couldn’t find the answer for – no matter how hard you looked? Now you’ll never be stranded again. Users get direct phone access the team each week when you join in on our “How-To” calls. We’re available to answer your specific questions, you’ll finally get the answers you need to move forward. Sell Smart!

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